Access Keys:

St James's Primary School, Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim

P5 Visit the Caravaggio Exhibition in Ulster Museum

7th Jun 2024
P5 had an exclusive viewing of the temporary Caravaggio exhibition at Ulster Museum on 6th June. Colleen, a resident artist allowed us 15 minutes alone with the 2 world famous Caravaggio paintings and discussed their meaning with the children. They learned about the artist’s use of light and shade and the relevant parts of the bible they depict. What a privilege!
Afterwards, the children enjoyed an art workshop with resident artist Keith who gave everyone tips for creating their own pictures of still life with a focus on light and shade.
After lunch the children had a ‘Discover History’ session and were able to experience life in Belfast through the years. They dressed up in clothes from the past and were able to hold and play with artefacts. This linked up with our World Around Us theme ‘On Our Doorstep’.
Everyone had an amazing time!